Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Abused Intimidation

There are many things in life that you can make a lesson from.
One of those things can be the way some people in authority treat you.
Some of these people use their authority to feed their very own personal malice, however
it is up to you to stand up for yourself despite the circumstances which may follow.

These people should NEVER be allowed to take advantage of you.

Then there are some people in authority who may look at you and assume that they can walk allow over you just because you may look a certain way...I say NEVER be intimidated by them...STAND UP for yourself.

Let it be known that they can never Break you, simply because they did not make you.

So who are they to DESTROY you?

Live life to the fullest and keep in mind that you are in control of shaping you own destiny, Never let the wicked Flesh of Selfish people take away what they never help build!!



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